Isaiah 56:10-11

     10. His watchmen—Israel's spiritual leaders (Isa 62:6; Eze 3:17).

      dumb dogs—image from bad shepherds' watchdogs, which fail to give notice, by barking, of the approach of wild beasts.

      blind— (Mt 23:16).

      sleeping, lying down—rather, "dreamers, sluggards" [LOWTH]. Not merely sleeping inactive, but under visionary delusions.

      loving to slumber—not merely slumbering involuntarily, but loving it.

     11. greedy—literally, "strong" (that is, insatiable) in appetite (Eze 34:2, 3; Mic 3:11).

      cannot understand—unable to comprehend the wants of the people, spiritually: so Isa 56:10, "cannot bark."

      look to . . . own way—that is, their own selfish interests; not to the spiritual welfare of the people (Jer 6:13; Eze 22:27).

      from his quarter—rather, "from the highest to the lowest" [LOWTH]. "From his quarter"; that is, from one end to the other of them, one and all (Ge 19:4).

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