Isaiah 56:9

     9. beasts—Gentile idolatrous nations hostile to the Jews, summoned by God to chastise them (Jer 12:7-9; 50:17; Eze 34:5): the Chaldeans and subsequently the Romans. The mention of the "outcasts of Israel" (Isa 56:8) brings in view the outcasting, caused by the sins of their rulers (Isa 56:10-12).

      to devour—namely, Israel.

Isaiah 57:13

     13. When thou criest—In the time of thy trouble.

      companies—namely, of idols, collected by thee from every quarter; or else, of foreigners, summoned to thy aid.

      wind . . . carry . . . away— (Job 21:18; Mt 7:27).

      vanity—rather, "a breath" [LOWTH].

      possess . . . land . . . inherit—that is, the literal land of Judea and Mount Zion; the believing remnant of Israel shall return and inherit the land. Secondarily, the heavenly inheritance, and the spiritual Zion (Isa 49:8; Ps 37:9, 11; 69:35, 36; Mt 5:5; Heb 12:22). "He that putteth his trust in Me," of whatever extraction, shall succeed to the spiritual patrimony of the apostate Jew [HORSLEY].

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