Isaiah 58:12

     12. they . . . of thee—thy people, the Israelites.

      old waste places—the old ruins of Jerusalem (Isa 61:4; Eze 36:33-36).

      foundations of many generations—that is, the buildings which had lain in ruins, even to their foundations, for many ages; called in the parallel passage (Isa 61:4), "the former desolations"; and in the preceding clause here, "the old waste places." The literal and spiritual restoration of Israel is meant, which shall produce like blessed results on the Gentile world (Am 9:11, 12; Ac 15:16, 17).

      be called—appropriately: the name truly designating what thou shalt do.

      breach—the calamity wherewith God visited Israel for their sin (Isa 30:26; 1Ch 15:13).

      paths to dwell in—not that the paths were to be dwelt in, but the paths leading to their dwellings were to be restored; "paths, so as to dwell in the land" [MAURER].

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