Isaiah 59:10

     10. grope—fulfilling Moses' threat (De 28:29).

      stumble at noon . . . as . . . night—There is no relaxation of our evils; at the time when we might look for the noon of relief, there is still the night of our calamity.

      in desolate places—rather, to suit the parallel words "at noonday," in fertile (literally, "fat"; Ge 27:28) fields [GESENIUS] (where all is promising) we are like the dead (who have no hope left them); or, where others are prosperous, we wander about as dead men; true of all unbelievers (Isa 26:10; Lu 15:17).

Isaiah 60:2

     2. darkness . . . earth—the rest of the earth: in contrast with "light . . . upon thee" (Isa 60:1). The earth will be afterwards enlightened through Israel (Isa 9:2).

      be seenconspicuously: so the Hebrew.

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