Isaiah 60:21

     21. all righteous— (Isa 4:3; 52:1; Re 21:27).

      inherit . . . land— (Isa 49:8; 54:3; 65:9; Ps 37:11, 22; Mt 5:5).

      branch of my planting— (Isa 61:3; Ps 92:13; Mt 15:13).

      work of my hands—the converted Israelites (Isa 29:23; 45:11).

      that I may be glorified—the final end of all God's gracious dealings (Isa 49:3; 61:3).

Joel 3:20

     20. dwell for ever— (Am 9:15), that is, be established as a flourishing state.

Amos 9:15

     15. plant them . . . no more be pulled up— (Jer 32:41).

      thy God—Israel's; this is the ground of their restoration, God's original choice of them as His.

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