Isaiah 65:10

     10. Sharon—(See on Isa 33:9; Isa 35:2).

      Achor—meaning "trouble"; a valley near Jericho, so called from the trouble caused to Israel by Achan's sin (Jos 7:24). "The valley of Achor," proverbial for whatever caused calamity, shall become proverbial for joy and prosperity (Ho 2:15).

Jeremiah 31:24

     24. Judah . . . cities . . . husbandmen . . . they with flocks—Two classes, citizens and countrymen, the latter divided into agriculturists and shepherds, all alike in security, though the latter were to be outside the protection of city walls. "Judah" here stands for the country, as distinguished from its cities.

Jeremiah 50:19

     19. (Isa 65:10; Eze 34:13, 14).

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