Isaiah 66:2

     2. have been—namely, made by Me. Or, absolutely, were things made; and therefore belong to Me, the Creator [JEROME].

      look—have regard.

      poor—humble (Isa 57:15).

      trembleth at . . . word— (2Ki 22:11, 19; Ezr 9:4). The spiritual temple of the heart, though not superseding the outward place of worship, is God's favorite dwelling (Joh 14:23). In the final state in heaven there shall be "no temple," but "the Lord God" Himself (Re 21:22).

Isaiah 66:5

     5. tremble at . . . word—the same persons as in Isa 66:2, the believing few among the Jews.

      cast you out for my name's sake—excommunicate, as if too polluted to worship with them (Isa 65:5). So in Christ's first sojourn on earth (Mt 10:22; Joh 9:22, 34; 16:2; 15:21). So it shall be again in the last times, when the believing shall be few (Lu 18:8).

      Let the Lord be glorified—the mocking challenge of the persecutors, as if their violence towards you was from zeal for God. "Let the Lord show Himself glorious," namely, by manifesting Himself in your behalf; as the parallelism to, "He shall appear to your joy," requires (as in Isa 5:19; compare Isa 28:15; 57:4). So again Christ on the cross (Mt 27:42, 43).

      appear to your joy—giving you "joy" instead of your "rebuke" (Isa 25:8, 9).

Isaiah 66:10

     10. love . . . mourn for her— (Ps 102:14, 17, 20; 122:6).

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