Isaiah 66:20

     20. they—the Gentiles (Isa 66:19).

      bring . . . your brethren—the Jews, back to the Holy Land (Isa 49:22). It cannot mean the mere entrance of the Jews into the Christian Church; for such an entrance would be by faith, not upon "horses, litters, and mules" [HOUBIGANT]. "Offering" is metaphorical, as in Ro 15:16.

      horses—not much used by the Jews. The Gentiles are here represented as using their modes of conveyance to "bring" the Jews to Jerusalem.

      chariots—as these are not found in Oriental caravans, translate, "vehicles," namely, borne, not drawn on wheels.

      litters—covered sedans for the rich.

      upon swift beasts—dromedaries: from Hebrew root, "to dance," from their bounding motion, often accelerated by music [BOCHART]. Panniers were thrown across the dromedaries' back for poorer women [HORSLEY].

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