Isaiah 8:11

     11. with a strong hand—or else, "when He grasped me with His hand" [HORSLEY]. MAURER, as English Version, "with the impetus of His hand," that is, the felt impulse of His inspiration in my mind (Jer 15:17; Eze 1:3; 3:14, 22; 37:1).

      way of . . . people—their distrust of Jehovah, and the panic which led them and Ahab to seek Assyrian aid.

Daniel 10:10

     10. an hand—namely, of Gabriel, who interpreted other revelations to Daniel (Da 8:16) [THEODORET].

      set me upon my knees—GESENIUS translates, "cause me to reel on my knees," &c.

Daniel 10:18

     18. again . . . touched me—It was gradually that Daniel recovered his strength. Hence there was need of the second touch, that he might hear the angel with composure.

Revelation of John 1:17

     17. So fallen is man that God's manifestation of His glorious presence overwhelms him.

      laid his right hand upon me—So the same Lord Jesus did at the Transfiguration to the three prostrate disciples, of whom John was one, saying, Be not afraid. The "touch" of His hand, as of old, imparted strength.

      unto me—omitted in the oldest manuscripts.

      the first . . . the last— (Isa 41:4; 44:6; 48:12). From eternity, and enduring to eternity: "the First by creation, the Last by retribution: the First, because before Me there was no God formed; the Last, because after Me there shall be no other: the First, because from Me are all things; the Last, because to Me all things return" [RICHARD OF ST. VICTOR].

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