James 2:1

     1. brethren—The equality of all Christians as "brethren," forms the groundwork of the admonition.

      the faith of . . . Christ—that is, the Christian faith. James grounds Christian practice on Christian faith.

      the Lord of glory—So 1Co 2:8. As all believers, alike rich and poor, derive all their glory from their union with Him, "the Lord of glory," not from external advantages of worldly fortune, the sin in question is peculiarly inconsistent with His "faith." BENGEL, making no ellipsis of "the Lord," explains "glory" as in apposition with Christ who is THE GLORY (Lu 2:32); the true Shekinah glory of the temple (Ro 9:4). English Version is simpler. The glory of Christ resting on the poor believer should make him be regarded as highly by "brethren" as his richer brother; nay, more so, if the poor believer has more of Christ's spirit than the rich brother.

      with respect of persons—literally, "in respectings of persons"; "in" the practice of partial preferences of persons in various ways and on various occasions.

James 2:4

     4. Are ye not . . . partial—literally, "Have ye not made distinctions" or "differences" (so as to prefer one to another)? So in Jude 22.

      in yourselves—in your minds, that is, according to your carnal inclination [GROTIUS].

      are become judges of evil thoughts—The Greek words for "judges" and for "partial," are akin in sound and meaning. A similar translation ought therefore to be given to both. Thus, either for "judges," &c. translate, "distinguishers of (that is, according to your) evil thoughts"; or, do ye not partially judge between men, and are become evilly-thinking judges (Mr 7:21)? The "evil thoughts" are in the judges themselves; as in Lu 18:6, the Greek, "judge of injustice," is translated, "unjust judge." ALFORD and WAHL translate, "Did ye not doubt" (respecting your faith, which is inconsistent with the distinctions made by you between rich and poor)? For the Greek constantly means "doubt" in all the New Testament. So in Jas 1:6, "wavering." Mt 21:21; Ac 10:20; Ro 4:20, "staggered not." The same play on the same kindred words occurs in the Greek of Ro 14:10, 23, "judge . . . doubteth." The same blame of being a judge, when one ought to be an obeyer, of the law is found in Jas 4:11.

James 2:9

     9. Respect of persons violates the command to love all alike "as thyself."

      ye commit sin—literally, "ye work sin," Mt 7:23, to which the reference here is probably, as in Jas 1:22. Your works are sin, whatever boast of the law ye make in words (see on Jas 2:8).

      convincedOld English for "convicted."

      as transgressors—not merely of this or that particular command, but of the whole absolutely.

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