James 3:6

     6. Translate, "The tongue, that world of iniquity, is a fire." As man's little world is an image of the greater world, the universe, so the tongue is an image of the former [BENGEL].

      so—omitted in the oldest authorities.

      is—literally, "is constituted." "The tongue is (constituted), among the members, the one which defileth," &c. (namely, as fire defiles with its smoke).

      course of nature—"the orb (cycle) of creation."

      setteth on fire . . . is set on fire—habitually and continually. While a man inflames others, he passes out of his own power, being consumed in the flame himself.

      of hell—that is, of the devil. Greek, "Gehenna"; found here only and in Mt 5:22. James has much in common with the Sermon on the Mount (Pr 16:27).

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