Jeremiah 18:16

     16. hissing— (1Ki 9:8). In sign of contempt. That which was to be only the event is ascribed to the purpose of the people, although altogether different from what they would have been likely to hope for. Their purpose is represented as being the destruction of their country, because it was the inevitable result of their course of acting.

      wag . . . head—in mockery (2Ki 19:21; Mt 27:39). As "wag . . . head" answers to "hissing," so "astonished" answers to "desolate," for which, therefore, MUNSTER and others rather translate, "an object of wonder" (Jer 19:8).

Lamentations 2:15

     15. clap . . . hands—in derision (Job 27:23; 34:37).

      wag . . . head— (2Ki 19:21; Ps 44:14).

      perfection of beauty . . . joy of . . . earth— (Ps 48:2; 50:2). The Jews' enemies quote their very words in scorn.


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