Jeremiah 19:13

     13. shall be defiled—with dead bodies (Jer 19:12; 2Ki 23:10).

      because of all the houses—Rather, (explanatory of the previous "the houses . . . and . . . houses"), "even all the houses," &c. [CALVIN].

      roofs—being flat, they were used as high places for sacrifices to the sun and planets (Jer 32:29; 2Ki 23:11, 12; Zep 1:5). The Nabateans, south and east of the Dead Sea, a nation most friendly to the Jews, according to STRABO, had the same usage.

Jeremiah 32:29

     29. burn . . . houses upon whose roofs . . . incense unto Baal—retribution in kind. They burnt incense to Baal, on the houses, so the houses shall be burnt (Jer 19:13). The god of fire was the object of their worship; so fire shall be the instrument of their punishment.

      to provoke me—indicating the design, not merely the event. They seemed to court God's "anger," and purposely to "provoke" Him.

Zephaniah 1:5

     5. worship the host of heavenSaba: whence, in contrast to Sabeanism, Jehovah is called Lord of Sabaoth.

      upon the housetops—which were flat (2Ki 23:5, 6, 12; Jer 19:13; 32:29).

      swear by the Lord—rather, "swear to JEHOVAH" (2Ch 15:14); solemnly dedicating themselves to Him (compare Isa 48:1; Ho 4:15).

      and—"and yet (with strange inconsistency, 1Ki 18:21; Eze 20:39; Mt 6:24) swear by Malcham," that is, "their king" [MAURER]: the same as Molech (see on Am 5:25), and "Milcom the god of . . . Ammon" (1Ki 11:33). If Satan have half the heart, he will have all; if the Lord have but half offered to Him, He will have none.

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