Jeremiah 2:17

     17. Literally, "Has not thy forsaking the Lord . . . procured this (calamity) to thee?" So the Septuagint: the Masoretic accents make "this" the subject of the verb, leaving the object to be understood. "Has not this procured (it, that is, the impending calamity) unto thee, that hast forsaken?" &c. (Jer 4:18).

      led— (De 32:10).

      the way—The article expresses the right way, the way of the Lord: namely, the moral training which they enjoyed in the Mosaic covenant.

Jeremiah 2:19

     19. correct . . . reprove—rather, in the severer sense, "chastise . . . punish" [MAURER].

      backslidings—"apostasies"; plural, to express the number and variety of their defections. The very confederacies they entered into were the occasion of their overthrow (Pr 1:31; Isa 3:9; Ho 5:5).

      know . . . seeimperative for futures: Thou shalt know and see to thy cost.

      my fear—rather, "the fear of Me."

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