Jeremiah 29:31

     24-32. A second communication which Jeremiah sent to Babylon, after the messenger who carried his first letter had brought a letter from the false prophet Shemaiah to Zephaniah, &c., condemning Jeremiah and reproving the authorities for not having apprehended him.

      Nehelamite—a name derived either from his father or from a place: alluding at the same time to the Hebrew meaning, "a dreamer" (compare Jer 29:8).

Ezekiel 13:22

     22. ye have made . . . the righteous sad—by lying predictions of calamities impending ever the godly.

      strengthened . . . wicked— (Jer 23:14).

      heart of . . . righteous . . . hands of . . . wickedHeart is applied to the righteous because the terrors foretold penetrated to their inmost feelings; hands, to the wicked because they were so hardened as not only to despise God in their minds, but also to manifest it in their whole acts, as if avowedly waging war with Him.

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