Jeremiah 3:12

     12. Go—not actually; but turn and proclaim towards the north (Media and Assyria, where the ten tribes were located by Tiglath-pileser and Shalmaneser, 2Ki 15:29; 17:6; 18:9, 11).

      Return . . . backslidingHebrew, Shubah, Meshubah, a play on sounds. In order to excite Judah to godly jealousy (Ro 11:14), Jehovah addresses the exiled ten tribes of Israel with a loving invitation.

      cause . . . anger to fall—literally, "I will not let fall My countenance" (compare Ge 4:5, 6; Job 29:3), that is, I will not continue to frown on you.

      keep—"anger" is to be supplied (see on Jer 3:5).

Jeremiah 4:1

     1. return . . . return—play on words. "If thou wouldest return to thy land (thou must first), return (by conversion and repentance) to Me."

      not remove—no longer be an unsettled wanderer in a strange land. So Cain (Ge 4:12, 14).

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