Jeremiah 31:38-40

     38. tower of Hananeel—The city shall extend beyond its former bounds (Ne 3:1; 12:39; Zec 14:10).

      gate of . . . corner— (2Ki 14:13; 2Ch 26:9).

     39. measuring-line— (Eze 40:8; Zec 2:1).

      Gareb—from a Hebrew root, "to scrape"; Syriac, "leprosy"; the locality outside of the city, to which lepers were removed.

      Goath—from a root, "to toil," referring to the toilsome ascent there: outside of the city of David, towards the southwest, as Gareb was northwest [JUNIUS].

     40. valley of . . . dead—Tophet, where the bodies of malefactors were cast (Isa 30:33), south of the city.

      fields . . . Kidron—so 2Ki 23:4. Fields in the suburbs reaching as far as Kidron, east of the city.

      horse gate—Through it the king's horses were led forth for watering to the brook Kidron (2Ki 11:16; Ne 3:28).

      for ever—The city shall not only be spacious, but both "holy to the Lord," that is, freed from all pollutions, and everlasting (Joe 3:17, 20; Re 21:2, 10, 27).

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