Jeremiah 52:9

     9. gave judgment upon him—as guilty of rebellion and perjury (Jer 52:3; compare Eze 23:24).

Lamentations 4:20

     20. breath . . . anointed of . . . Lord—our king, with whose life ours was bound up. The original reference seems to have been to Josiah (2Ch 35:25), killed in battle with Pharaoh-necho; but the language is here applied to Zedekiah, who, though worthless, was still lineal representative of David, and type of Messiah, the "Anointed." Viewed personally the language is too favorable to apply to him.

      live among the heathen—Under him we hoped to live securely, even in spite of the surrounding heathen nations [GROTIUS].


Ezekiel 12:13

     13. My net—the Chaldean army. He shall be inextricably entangled in it, as in the meshes of a net. It is God's net (Job 19:6). Babylon was God's instrument (Isa 10:5). Called "a net" (Hab 1:14-16).

      bring him to Babylon . . . ; yet shall he not see it—because he should be deprived of sight before he arrived there (Jer 52:11).

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