Job 10:2

     2. show me, &c.—Do not, by virtue of Thy mere sovereignty, treat me as guilty without showing me the reasons.

Psalms 19:12

     12-14. The clearer our view of the law, the more manifest are our sins. Still for its full effect we need divine grace to show us our faults, acquit us, restrain us from the practice, and free us from the power, of sin. Thus only can our conduct be blameless, and our words and thoughts acceptable to God.

Psalms 32:8

     8. Whether, as most likely, the language of David (compare Ps 51:13), or that of God, this is a promise of divine guidance.

      I will . . . mine eye—or, My eye shall be on thee, watching and directing thy way.

Psalms 139:23-24

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