Job 15:20-25

     20. travaileth—rather, "trembleth of himself," though there is no real danger [UMBREIT].

      and the number of his years, &c.—This gives the reason why the wicked man trembles continually; namely, because he knows not the moment when his life must end.

     21. An evil conscience conceives alarm at every sudden sound, though it be in a time of peace ("prosperity"), when there is no real danger (Le 26:36; Pr 28:1; 2Ki 7:6).

     22. darkness—namely, danger or calamity. Glancing at Job, who despaired of restoration: in contrast to good men when in darkness (Mic 7:8, 9).

      waited for of—that is, He is destined for the sword [GESENIUS]. Rather (in the night of danger), "he looks anxiously towards the sword," as if every sword was drawn against him [UMBREIT].

     23. Wandereth in anxious search for bread. Famine in Old Testament depicts sore need (Isa 5:13). Contrast the pious man's lot (Job 5:20-22).

      knoweth—has the firm conviction. Contrast the same word applied to the pious (Job 5:24, 25).

      ready at his hand—an Arabic phrase to denote a thing's complete readiness and full presence, as if in the hand.

     24. prevail—break upon him suddenly and terribly, as a king, &c. (Pr 6:11).

     25. stretcheth . . . hand—wielding the spear, as a bold rebel against God (Job 9:4; Isa 27:4).

Job 15:31-34

     31. Rather, "let him not trust in vanity or he will be deceived," &c.

      vanity—that which is unsubstantial. Sin is its own punishment (Pr 1:31; Jer 2:19).

     32. Literally, "it (the tree to which he is compared, Job 15:30, or else his life) shall not be filled up in its time"; that is, "he shall be ended before his time."

      shall not be green—image from a withered tree; the childless extinction of the wicked.

     33. Images of incompleteness. The loss of the unripe grapes is poetically made the vine tree's own act, in order to express more pointedly that the sinner's ruin is the fruit of his own conduct (Isa 3:11; Jer 6:19).

     34. Rather, The binding together of the hypocrites (wicked) shall be fruitless [UMBREIT].

      tabernacles of bribery—namely, dwellings of unjust judges, often reprobated in the Old Testament (Isa 1:23). The "fire of God" that consumed Job's possessions (Job 1:16) Eliphaz insinuates may have been on account of Job's bribery as an Arab sheik or emir.

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