Job 29:2-3

     2. preserved me—from calamity.

     3. candle—when His favor shone on me (see on Job 18:6 and Ps 18:28).

      darkness—By His safeguard I passed secure through dangers. Perhaps alluding to the lights carried before caravans in nightly travels through deserts [NOYES].

Psalms 27:13

     13. The strong emotion is indicated by the incomplete sentence, for which the English Version supplies a proper clause; or, omitting that, and rendering, "yet I believed," &c., the contrast of his faith and his danger is expressed.

      to see—is to experience (Ps 22:17).

Psalms 142:7

     7. (Compare Ps 25:17).

      that I may praise—literally, "for praising," or, "that Thy name may be praised," that is, by the righteous, who shall surround me with sympathizing joy (Ps 35:27).

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