Job 3:17

     17. the wicked—the original meaning, "those ever restless," "full of desires" (Isa 57:20, 21).

      the weary—literally, "those whose strength is wearied out" (Re 14:13).

Isaiah 57:2

     2. Or, "he entereth into peace"; in contrast to the persecutions which he suffered in this world (Job 3:13, 17). The Margin not so well translates, "he shall go in peace" (Ps 37:37; Lu 2:29).

      rest—the calm rest of their bodies in their graves (called "beds," 2Ch 16:14; compare Isa 14:18; because they "sleep" in them, with the certainty of awakening at the resurrection, 1Th 4:14) is the emblem of the eternal "rest" (Heb 4:9; Re 14:13).

      each one walking in . . . uprightness—This clause defines the character of those who at death "rest in their beds," namely, all who walk uprightly.

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