Job 40:7-14

     7. (See on Job 38:3). Since Job has not only spoken against God, but accused Him of injustice, God challenges him to try, could he govern the world, as God by His power doth, and punish the proud and wicked (Job 40:7-14).

     8. Wilt thou not only contend with, but set aside My judgment or justice in the government of the world?

      condemn—declare Me unrighteous, in order that thou mayest be accounted righteous (innocent; undeservingly afflicted).

     9. arm—God's omnipotence (Isa 53:1).

      thunder—God's voice (Job 37:4).

     10. See, hast thou power and majesty like God's, to enable thee to judge and govern the world?

     11. rage—rather, pour out the redundant floods of, &c.

      behold—Try, canst thou, as God, by a mere glance abase the proud (Isa 2:12, &c.)?

     12. proud—high (Da 4:37).

      in their place—on the spot; suddenly, before they can move from their place. (See on Job 34:26; Job 36:20).

     13. (Isa 2:10). Abase and remove them out of the sight of men.

      bind . . . faces—that is, shut up their persons [MAURER]. But it refers rather to the custom of binding a cloth over the faces of persons about to be executed (Job 9:24; Es 7:8).

      in secret—consign them to darkness.

     14. confess—rather, "extol"; "I also," who now censure thee. But since thou canst not do these works, thou must, instead of censuring, extol My government.

      thine own . . . hand . . . save— (Ps 44:3). So as to eternal salvation by Jesus Christ (Isa 59:16; 63:5).

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