John 1:12-13

     12. But as manyindividuals, of the "disobedient and gainsaying people."

      gave he power—The word signifies both authority and ability, and both are certainly meant here.

      to become—Mark these words: Jesus is the Son of God; He is never said to have become such.

      the sons—or more simply, "sons of God," in name and in nature.

      believe on his namea phrase never used in Scripture of any mere creature, to express the credit given to human testimony, even of prophets or apostles, inasmuch it carries with it the idea of trust proper only towards GOD. In this sense of supreme faith, as due to Him who "gives those that believe in Himself power to become sons of God," it is manifestly used here.

     13. Which were born—a sonship therefore not of mere title and privilege, but of nature, the soul being made conscious of the vital capacities, perceptions, and emotions of a child of God, before unknown.

      not of blood, &c.—not of superior human descent, not of human generation at all, not of man in any manner of way. By this elaborate threefold denial of the human source of this sonship, immense force is given to what follows,

      but of God—Right royal gift, and He who confers must be absolutely divine. For who would not worship Him who can bring him into the family, and evoke within him the very life, of the sons of God?

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