John 7:38

     38. as the scripture hath said—These words belong to what follows, "Out of his belly, as the scripture hath said, shall flow," &c. referring not to any particular passage, but to such as Isa 58:11; Joe 3:18; Zec 14:8; Eze 47:1-12; in most of which the idea is that of waters issuing from beneath the temple, to which our Lord compares Himself and those who believe in Him.

      out of his belly—that is, his inner man, his soul, as in Pr 20:27.

      rivers of living water—(See on Joh 4:13). It refers primarily to the copiousness, but indirectly also to the diffusiveness, of this living water to the good of others.

Titus 3:6

     6. Which—the Holy Ghost.

      he shedGreek, "poured out"; not only on the Church in general at Pentecost, but also "on us" individually. This pouring out of the Spirit comprehends the grace received before, in, and subsequently to, baptism.

      abundantlyGreek, "richly" (Col 3:16).

      through Jesus Christ—the channel and Mediator of the gift of the Holy Ghost.

      our Saviour—immediately; as the Father is mediately "our Saviour." The Father is the author of our salvation and saves us by Jesus Christ.

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