Joshua 15:60

     21-63. the uttermost cities of the tribe of the children of Judah—There is given a list of cities within the tribal territory of Judah, arranged in four divisions, corresponding to the districts of which it consisted—the cities in the southern part (Jos 15:21-32), those in the lowlands (Jos 15:33-47), those in the highlands (Jos 15:48-60), and those in the desert (Jos 15:61, 62). One gets the best idea of the relative situation of these cities by looking at the map.

Joshua 18:14

1 Chronicles 13:6-7

     6-14. David went up, and all srael, to Baalah—(See on 2Sa 6:1-11).

      whose name is called on it—rather, "who is worshipped there" (2Sa 6:2).

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