Judges 5:2-9

     2, 3. The meaning is obscurely seen in our version; it has been better rendered thus, "Praise ye Jehovah; for the free are freed in Israel—the people have willingly offered themselves" [ROBINSON].

     4, 5. Allusion is here made, in general terms, to God's interposition on behalf of His people.

      Seir . . . the field of Edom—represent the mountain range and plain extending along the south from the Dead Sea to the Elanitic Gulf.

      thou wentest out—indicates the storm to have proceeded from the south or southeast.

     6-8. The song proceeds in these verses to describe the sad condition of the country, the oppression of the people, and the origin of all the national distress in the people's apostasy from God. Idolatry was the cause of foreign invasion and internal inability to resist it.

     9. expresses gratitude to the respective leaders of the tribes which participated in the contest; but, above all, to God, who inspired both the patriotic disposition and the strength.

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