Leviticus 26:4

     4. I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase—Rain seldom fell in Judea except at two seasons—the former rain at the end of autumn, the seedtime; and the latter rain in spring, before the beginning of harvest (Jer 5:24).

Psalms 68:9

     9, 10. a plentiful rain—a rain of gifts, as manna and quails.

Malachi 3:10

     10. (Pr 3:9, 10).

      storehouse— (2Ch 31:11, Margin; compare 1Ch 26:20; Ne 10:38; 13:5, 12).

      prove me . . . herewith—with this; by doing so. Test Me whether I will keep My promise of blessing you, on condition of your doing your part (2Ch 31:10).

      pour . . . out—literally, "empty out": image from a vessel completely emptied of its contents: no blessing being kept back.

      windows of heaven— (2Ki 2:7).

      that . . . not . . . room enough, &c.—literally, "even to not . . . sufficiency," that is, either, as English Version. Or, even so as that there should be "not merely" "sufficiency" but superabundance [JEROME, MAURER]. GESENIUS not so well translates, "Even to a failure of sufficiency," which in the case of God could never arise, and therefore means for ever, perpetually: so Ps 72:5, "as long as the sun and moon endure"; literally, "until a failure of the sun and moon," which is never to be; and therefore means, for ever.

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