Luke 12:42-46

     42. Who then, &c.—answering the question indirectly by another question, from which they were left to gather what it would be:—To you certainly in the first instance, representing the "stewards" of the "household" I am about to collect, but generally to all "servants" in My house.

      faithful and wiseFidelity is the first requisite in a servant, wisdom (discretion and judgment in the exercise of his functions), the next.

      steward—house steward, whose it was to distribute to the servants their allotted portion of food.

      shall make—will deem fit to be made.

     41-48. unto us or even to all?—us the Twelve, or all this vast audience?

     44. make him ruler over all he hath—will advance him to the highest post, referring to the world to come. (See Mt 25:21, 23).

     45. begin to beat, &c.—In the confidence that his Lord's return will not be speedy, he throws off the role of servant and plays the master, maltreating those faithful servants who refuse to join him, seizing on and revelling in the fulness of his master's board; intending, when he has got his fill, to resume the mask of fidelity ere his master appear.

     46. cut him in sunder—a punishment not unknown in the East; compare Heb 11:37, "sawn asunder" (1Sa 15:33; Da 2:5).

      the unbelievers—the unfaithful, those unworthy of trust (Mt 24:51), "the hypocrites," falsely calling themselves "servants."

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