Mark 14:68

     68. But he denied—"before all" (Mt 26:70).

      saying, I know not, neither understand I what thou sayest—in Luke (Lu 22:57), "I know Him not."

      And he went out into the porch—the vestibule leading to the street—no doubt finding the fire-place too hot for him; possibly also with the hope of escaping—but that was not to be, and perhaps he dreaded that, too. Doubtless by this time his mind would be getting into a sea of commotion, and would fluctuate every moment in its resolves.

      AND THE COCK CREW—(See on Lu 22:34). This, then, was the First Denial.

     Peter's SECOND DENIAL of His Lord (Mr 14:69, 70).

     There is here a verbal difference among the Evangelists, which without some information which has been withheld, cannot be quite extricated.

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