Matthew 22:7

     7. But when the king—the Great God, who is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

      heard thereof, he was wroth—at the affront put both on His Son, and on Himself who had deigned to invite them.

      and he sent forth his armies—The Romans are here styled God's armies, just as the Assyrian is styled "the rod of His anger" (Isa 10:5), as being the executors of His judicial vengeance.

      and destroyed those murderers—and in what vast numbers did they do it!

      and burned up their city—Ah! Jerusalem, once "the city of the Great King" (Ps 48:2), and even up almost to this time (Mt 5:35); but now it is "their city"—just as our Lord, a day or two after this, said of the temple, where God had so long dwelt, "Behold your house is left unto you desolate" (Mt 23:38)! Compare Lu 19:43, 44.

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