Matthew 24:19

Luke 23:29

     27-31. women—not the precious Galilean women (Lu 23:49), but part of the crowd.

1 Corinthians 7:8

     8. to the unmarried—in general, of both sexes (1Co 7:10, 11).

      and widows—in particular.

      even as I—unmarried (1Co 9:5).

1 Corinthians 7:26

     26. I suppose—"I consider."

      this—namely, "for a man so to be," that is, in the same state in which he is (1Co 7:27).

      for—by reason of.

      the present distress—the distresses to which believers were then beginning to be subjected, making the married state less desirable than the single; and which would prevail throughout the world before the destruction of Jerusalem, according to Christ's prophecy (Mt 24:8-21; compare Ac 11:28).

1 Corinthians 7:29

     29. this I say—A summing up of the whole, wherein he draws the practical inference from what precedes (1Co 15:50).

      the time—the season (so the Greek) of this present dispensation up to the coming of the Lord (Ro 13:11). He uses the Greek expression which the Lord used in Lu 21:8; Mr 13:33.

      short—literally, "contracted."

      it remaineth—The oldest manuscripts read, "The time (season) is shortened as to what remains, in order that both they," &c.; that is, the effect which the shortening of the time ought to have is, "that for the remaining time (henceforth), both they," &c. The clause, "as to what remains," though in construction belonging to the previous clause, in sense belongs to the following. However, CYPRIAN and Vulgate support English Version.

      as though they had none—We ought to consider nothing as our own in real or permanent possession.

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