Matthew 5:15

     15. Neither do men light a candle—or, lamp.

      and put it under a bushel—a dry measure.

      but on a candlestick—rather, "under the bushel, but on the lampstand." The article is inserted in both cases to express the familiarity of everyone with those household utensils.

      and it giveth light—shineth "unto all that are in the house."

John 5:35

     35. He was a burning and a shining light—literally, "the burning and shining lamp" (or torch):—that is, "the great light of his day." Christ is never called by the humble word here applied to John—a light-bearer—studiously used to distinguish him from his Master, but ever the Light in the most absolute sense. (See on Joh 1:6).

      willing for a season—that is, till they saw that it pointed whither they were not prepared to go.

      to rejoice in his light—There is a play of irony here, referring to the hollow delight with which his testimony tickled them.

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