Micah 3:5

     5. Here he attacks the false prophets, as before he had attacked the "princes."

      make my people err—knowingly mislead My people by not denouncing their sins as incurring judgment.

      bite with . . . teeth, and cry, Peace—that is, who, so long as they are supplied with food, promise peace and prosperity in their prophecies.

      he that putteth not into their mouths, they . . . prepare war against him—Whenever they are not supplied with food, they foretell war and calamity.

      prepare war—literally, "sanctify war," that is, proclaim it as a holy judgment of God because they are not fed (see on Jer 6:4; compare Isa 13:3; Joe 1:14).

Micah 3:7

     7. cover their lips—The Orientals prided themselves on the moustache and beard ("upper lip," Margin). To cover it, therefore, was a token of shame and sorrow (Le 13:45; Eze 24:17, 22). "They shall be so ashamed of themselves as not to dare to open their mouths or boast of the name of prophet" [CALVIN].

      there is no answer of God—They shall no more profess to have responses from God, being struck dumb with calamities (Mic 3:6).

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