Micah 7:18

     18. Grateful at such unlooked-for grace being promised to Israel, Micah breaks forth into praises of Jehovah.

      passeth by the transgression—not conniving at it, but forgiving it; leaving it unpunished, as a traveller passes by what he chooses not to look into (Pr 19:11). Contrast Am 7:8, and "mark iniquities," Ps 130:3.

      the remnant—who shall be permitted to survive the previous judgment: the elect remnant of grace (Mic 4:7; 5:3, 7, 8).

      retaineth not . . . anger— (Ps 103:9).

      delighteth in mercy—God's forgiving is founded on His nature, which delights in loving-kindness, and is averse from wrath.

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