Proverbs 1:24-26

     24. stretched . . . hand—Earnestness, especially in beseeching, is denoted by the figure (compare Job 11:13; Ps 68:31; 88:9).

     25. set at naught—rejected as of no value.

      would none of—literally, "were not willing or inclined to it."

     26, 27. In their extreme distress He will not only refuse help, but aggravate it by derision.

Isaiah 1:15

     15. (Ps 66:18; Pr 28:9; La 3:43, 44).

      spread . . . hands—in prayer (1Ki 8:22). Hebrew, "bloods," for all heinous sins, persecution of God's servants especially (Mt 23:35). It was the vocation of the prophets to dispel the delusion, so contrary to the law itself (De 10:16), that outward ritualism would satisfy God.

Micah 3:4

     4. Then—at the time of judgment, which Micah takes for granted, so certain is it (compare Mic 2:3).

      they cry . . . but he will not hear—just as those oppressed by them had formerly cried, and they would not hear. Their prayer shall be rejected, because it is the mere cry of nature for deliverance from pain, not that of repentance for deliverance from sin.

      ill in their doings—Men cannot expect to do ill and fare well.

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