Proverbs 2:12-15

     12-15. To deliver—as from great danger (Pr 6:5).

      way . . . man— (Ps 1:1).

      froward things—perversity (Pr 6:14; 23:23), what is opposed to truth.

     13. paths of uprightness—or, "plainness."

      walk—habitually act;

     14. and that with pleasure, in ignorance of good and pursuit of evil.

      frowardness—Not only their own perversity, but that of others is their delight. They love most the worst things.

     15. crooked—tortuous, unprincipled.

      froward—literally, (they) are going back, not only aside from right, but opposite to it.

Proverbs 4:14

     14. (Compare Ps 1:1). Avoid all temptations to the beginning of evil.

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