Proverbs 3:8

     8. It—This conduct.

      health—(Compare Margin).

      to thy navel—for all the organs of nourishment.

      marrow—(Compare Margin).

      bones—frame of body. True piety promotes bodily health.

Isaiah 58:11

     11. satisfy . . . in drought— (Isa 41:17, 18). Literally, "drought," that is, parched places [MAURER].

      make fat—rather, "strengthen" [NOYES]. "Give thee the free use of thy bones" [JEROME], or, "of thy strength" [HORSLEY].

      watered garden—an Oriental picture of happiness.

      fail notHebrew, "deceive not"; as streams that disappoint the caravan which had expected to find water, as formerly, but find it dried up (Job 6:15-17).

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