Psalms 119:89-91

     89-91. In all changes God's Word remains firm (1Pe 1:25). Like the heavens, it continually attests God's unfailing power and unchanging care (Ps 89:2).

      is settled in—that is, stands as firmly as the heaven in which it dwells, and whence it emanated.

     90. thou hast established the earth, and it abideth— (Ps 33:9).

     91. They—the heaven (Ps 119:89) and the earth (Ps 119:90). HENGSTENBERG translates, "They stand for thy judgment," that is, ready, as obedient servants, to execute them. The usage of this Psalm favors this view. But see Jer 33:25.

Ecclesiastes 1:4

     4. earth . . . for ever— (Ps 104:5). While the earth remains the same, the generations of men are ever changing; what lasting profit, then, can there be from the toils of one whose sojourn on earth, as an individual, is so brief? The "for ever" is comparative, not absolute (Ps 102:26).

Jeremiah 33:25-26

     25. (Jer 31:35, 36; Ge 8:22; Ps 74:16, 17). I who have established the laws of nature am the same God who has made a covenant with the Church.

     26. Isaac— (Ps 105:9; Am 7:9, 16).

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