Psalms 16:2

     2. my soul—must be supplied; expressed in similar cases (Ps 42:5, 11).

      my goodness . . . thee—This obscure passage is variously expounded. Either one of two expositions falls in with the context. "My goodness" or merit is not on account of Thee—that is, is not for Thy benefit. Then follows the contrast of Ps 16:3 (but is), in respect, or for the saints, &c.—that is, it enures to them. Or, my goodness—or happiness is not besides Thee—that is, without Thee I have no other source of happiness. Then, "to the saints," &c., means that the same privilege of deriving happiness from God only is theirs. The first is the most consonant with the Messianic character of the Psalm, though the latter is not inconsistent with it.

Proverbs 9:12

     12. You are mainly concerned in your own conduct.

Luke 17:10

     10. unprofitable—a word which, though usually denoting the opposite of profit, is here used simply in its negative sense. "We have not, as his servants, profited or benefited God at all." (Compare Job 22:2, 3; Ro 11:35.)

     Lu 17:11-19. TEN LEPERS CLEANSED.

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