Psalms 18:9

     9. darkness—or, a dense cloud (Ex 19:16; De 5:22).

Psalms 144:5

Habakkuk 3:5-6

     5. pestilence—to destroy His people's foes (1Sa 5:9, 11). As Jehovah's advent is glorious to His people, so it is terrible to His foes.

      burning coalsPs 18:8 favors English Version. But the parallelism requires, as the Margin translates, "burning disease" (compare De 32:24; Ps 91:6).

      went . . . at his feet—that is, after Him, as His attendants (Jud 4:10).

     6. He stood, and measured the earth—Jehovah, in His advance, is represented as stopping suddenly, and measuring the earth with His all-seeing glance, whereat there is universal consternation. MAURER, from a different root, translates, "rocked the earth"; which answers better to the parallel "drove asunder"; the Hebrew for which latter, however, may be better translated, "made to tremble."

      everlasting mountains—which have ever been remembered as retaining the same place and form from the foundation of the world.

      did bow—as it were, in reverent submission.

      his ways are everlasting—His marvellous ways of working for the salvation of His people mark His everlasting character: such as He was in His workings for them formerly, such shall He be now.

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