Psalms 2:6

     6. The purpose here declared, in its execution, involves their overthrow.

      Yet—literally, "and," in an adversative sense.

      I have set—anointed, or firmly placed, with allusion in the Hebrew to "casting an image in a mould." The sense is not materially varied in either case.

      my king—appointed by Me and for Me (Nu 27:18).

      upon my holy hill of Zion—Zion, selected by David as the abode of the ark and the seat of God's visible residence (1Ki 8:1); as also David, the head of the Church and nation, and type of Christ, was called holy, and the Church itself came to be thus named (Ps 9:11; 51:18; 99:2; Isa 8:18; 18:7, &c.).

Psalms 3:4

     4. cried . . . heard—Such has been my experience. The latter verb denotes a gracious hearing or answering.

      out of—or, "from."

      his holy hill—Zion (Ps 2:6). His visible earthly residence.

Psalms 20:2

     2. strengthen theesustain in conflict; even physical benefits may be included, as courage for war, &c., as such may proceed from a sense of divine favor, secured in the use of spiritual privileges.

Psalms 48:2

     2, 3. situation—literally, "elevation."

      joy of, &c.—source of joy.

      sides of the north—poetically for eminent, lofty, distinguished, as the ancients believed the north to be the highest part of the earth (compare Isa 14:13).

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