Psalms 2:9

     9. His enemies shall be subject to His terrible power (Job 4:9; 2Th 2:8), as His people to His grace (Ps 110:2, 3).

      rod of iron—denotes severity (Re 2:27).

      a potter's vessel—when shivered cannot be mended, which will describe utter destruction.

Jeremiah 19:11

     11. as one breaketh a potter's vessel—expressing God's absolute sovereignty (Jer 18:6; Ps 2:9; Isa 30:14, Margin; La 4:2; Ro 9:20, 21).

      cannot be made whole again—A broken potter's vessel cannot be restored, but a new one may be made of the same material. So God raised a new Jewish seed, not identical with the destroyed rebels, but by substituting another generation in their stead [GROTIUS].

      no place to bury— (Jer 7:32).

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