Psalms 27:14

     14. Wait, &c.—in confident expectation. The last clause is, literally, "and wait," &c., as if expecting new measures of help.

Romans 12:17-19

     17. Recompense—"Recompensing," &c.—(See on Ro 12:14).


      things honest—"honorable"

      in the sight of all men—The idea (which is from Pr 3:4) is the care which Christians should take so to demean themselves as to command the respect of all men.

     18. If it be possible—that is, If others will let you.

      as much as lieth in you—or, "dependeth on you."

      live peaceably—or, "be at peace."

      with all men—The impossibility of this in some cases is hinted at, to keep up the hearts of those who, having done their best unsuccessfully to live in peace, might be tempted to think the failure was necessarily owing to themselves. But how emphatically expressed is the injunction to let nothing on our part prevent it! Would that Christians were guiltless in this respect!

     19-21. avenge not, &c.—(See on Ro 12:14).

      but rather give place unto wrath—This is usually taken to mean, "but give room or space for wrath to spend itself." But as the context shows that the injunction is to leave vengeance to God, "wrath" here seems to mean, not the offense, which we are tempted to avenge, but the avenging wrath of God (see 2Ch 24:18), which we are enjoined to await, or give room for. (So the best interpreters).

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