Psalms 35:1

     1-3. God is invoked in the character of a warrior (Ex 15:3; De 32:41).

Jeremiah 50:34

     34. strong—as opposed to the power of Israel's oppressor (Re 18:8).

      plead . . . cause—as their advocate. Image from a court of justice; appropriate as God delivers His people not by mere might, but by righteousness. His plea against Satan and all their enemies is His own everlasting love, reconciling mercy and justice in the Redeemer's work and person (Mic 7:9; Zec 3:1-5; 1Jo 2:1).

      give rest . . . disquiet—There is a play on the similarity of sounds in the two Hebrew verbs to express more vividly the contrast: "that He may give quiet to the land of Judah (heretofore disquieted by Babylon); but disquiet to the inhabitants of Babylon" (heretofore quietly secure) (Isa 14:6-8).

Micah 7:9

     9. bear—patiently.

      the indignation of the Lord—His punishment inflicted on me (La 3:39). The true penitent "accepts the punishment of his iniquity" (Le 26:41, 43); they who murmur against God, do not yet know their guilt (Job 40:4, 5).

      execute judgment for me—against my foe. God's people plead guilty before God; but, in respect to their human foes, they are innocent and undeserving of their foes' injuries.

      bring me forth to the light—to the temporal and spiritual redemption.

      I shall behold his righteousness—His gracious faithfulness to His promises (Ps 103:17).

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