Psalms 37:28-38

     27-29. The exhortation is sustained by the assurance of God's essential rectitude in that providential government which provides perpetual blessings for the good, and perpetual misery for the wicked.

     30, 31. The righteous described as to the elements of character, thought, word, and action.

     31. steps—or, "goings"—for conduct which is unwavering (Ps 18:36).

     32, 33. The devices of the wicked against the good fail because God acquits them.

     34. On the contrary, the good are not only blessed, but made to see the ruin of their foes.

     35, 36. of which a picture is given, under the figure of a flourishing tree (compare Margin), which soon withers.

     36. he was not—(Compare Ps 37:10).

     37. By "the end" is meant reward (Pr 23:18; 24:14), or expectation of success, as in Ps 37:38, which describes the end of the wicked in contrast, and that is cut off (compare Ps 73:17).

     38. together—at once; entirely (Ps 4:8).

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