Psalms 42:1

     1, 2. Compare (Ps 63:1).

      panteth—desires in a state of exhaustion.

Psalms 44:1

     1-3. This period is that of the settlement of Canaan (Jos 24:12; Jud 6:3).

      have told—or, "related" (compare Ex 10:2).

Psalms 45:1

     1. An animated preface indicative of strong emotion. Literally, "My heart overflows: a good matter I speak; the things which I have made," &c.

      inditing—literally, "boiling up," as a fountain overflows.

      my tongue is the pen—a mere instrument of God's use.

      of a ready writer—that is, it is fluent. The theme is inspiring and language flows fast.

Psalms 46:1

     1. refuge—literally, "a place of trust" (Ps 2:12).

      strength— (Ps 18:2).

      present help—literally, "a help He has been found exceedingly."

      trouble—as in Ps 18:7.

Psalms 47:1

     1. clap . . . hands . . . people—literally, "peoples," or "nations" (compare De 32:43; Ps 18:49; 98:9).

Psalms 48:1

     1. to be praised—always: it is an epithet, as in Ps 18:3.

      mountain of his holiness—His Church (compare Isa 2:2, 3; 25:6, 7, 10); the sanctuary was erected first on Mount Zion, then (as the temple) on Moriah; hence the figure.

Psalms 49:1

     1-3. All are called to hear what interests all.

      world—literally, "duration of life," the present time.

Psalms 84:1

     1. amiable—not lovely, but beloved.

      tabernacles— (Ps 43:3).

Psalms 85:1

     1. captivity—not necessarily the Babylonian, but any great evil (Ps 14:7).

Psalms 87:1

     1. His—that is, God's

      foundation—or, what He has founded, that is, Zion (Isa 14:32).

      is in the holy mountains—the location of Zion, in the wide sense, for the capital, or Jerusalem, being on several hills.

Psalms 88:1

     1, 2. Compare on the terms used, Ps 22:2; 31:2.

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