Psalms 49:11-15

     11. Still infatuated and flattered with hopes of perpetuity, they call their lands, or "celebrate their names on account of (their) lands."

     12. Contrasted with this vanity is their frailty. However honored, man

      abideth not—literally, "lodgeth not," remains not till morning, but suddenly perishes as (wild) beasts, whose lives are taken without warning.

     13. Though their way is folly, others follow the same course of life.

     14. Like sheep—(compare Ps 49:12) unwittingly, they

      are laid—or, "put," &c.

      death shall feed on—or, better, "shall rule"

      them—as a shepherd (compare "feed," Ps 28:9, Margin).

      have dominion over—or, "subdue"

      them in the morning—suddenly, or in their turn.

      their beauty—literally, "form" or shape.

      shall consume—literally, "is for the consumption," that is, of the grave.

      from their dwelling—literally, "from their home (they go) to it," that is, the grave.

     15. The pious, delivered from "the power of the grave."

      power—literally, "the hand," of death, are taken under God's care.

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