Psalms 5:3

     3. direct—literally, "set in order," as the showbread was placed or set in order (Ex 40:23).

Psalms 33:14

     12-19. The inference from the foregoing in Ps 33:12 is illustrated by God's special providence, underlying which is His minute knowledge of all men.

Isaiah 44:7

     7. Who but God can predict future events and declare also the order and time of each (see on Isa 41:22, 23; Isa 45:21)?

      call—"openly proclaim" (Isa 40:6) things to come [MAURER]. Or, "call forth" the event; command that it happen (Isa 46:11; 48:15), [BARNES].

      set . . . in order—There is no chance or confusion; all events occur in the order best fitted to subserve God's plans.

      for me—It is FOR GOD that all things exist and take place (Re 4:11). But MAURER translates, "Let him set it forth (Job 37:19) to me."

      since . . . ancient people—I have given the Jews predictions of the future ever since I appointed them as My people in ancient times; therefore they were qualified to be His witnesses (Isa 44:8). As to their being God's "ancient (everlasting) people," see De 32:7-9; Jer 31:3; the type of the redeemed Church (Eph 1:4).

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