Psalms 6:2

     2. I am weak—as a culled plant (Isa 24:4).

      my bones—the very frame.

      are vexed— (Ps 2:5) —shaken with fear.

Psalms 6:7

     7. consumed—or, "has failed," denoting general debility (Ps 13:3; 38:10).

      waxeth old—or, "dim."

      grief—mingled with indignation.

Psalms 31:9-11

     9, 10. mine eye, &c.—denotes extreme weakness (compare Ps 6:7).

      grief—mingled sorrow and indignation (Ps 6:7).

      soul and . . . belly—the whole person.

     10. Though the effects ascribed to grief are not mere figures of speech—

      spent . . . consumed—must be taken in the modified sense of wasted and decayed.

      iniquity—or, suffering by it (see on Ps 40:12).

     11. among—or, literally, "from," or, "by" my enemies. The latter clauses describe the progress of his disgrace to the lowest degree, till,

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